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Road Conditions and Closures

Traveling? Check out this website to get up-to-date information on road conditions, work zones, traffic warnings, road closures, etc, provided by the State of Indiana.

Street Restrictions and Closing Restrictions and road closures are current or upcoming for the Indianapolis area by township. This listing is from Indianapolis DPW.  Many restrictions listed are dependent upon favorable weather conditions and other factors.

Want to know what the actual traffic conditions are in real time? Check out this website to get real time information on traffic in the
Indianapolis metropolitan area, Northwest Indiana and a link to the Louisville, Ky. metropolitan area all provided by the State of Indiana.

If you would like to make a comment on the site, please contact the Webmaster. Send an e-mail to "celdridge11", add an "at" sign, add "comcast", then dot and last "net". Do not put spaces in between the parts. The intent is to prevent mining of the e-mail address (someone has to intervene to actually get the address).