All E-Mail Correspondence:

Snow Removal

The City of Indianapolis customarily has provided snow plowing for limited areas in and around our Hill Valley Homeowners Association area. This includes the loop on Rahke Road, West Hill Valley Drive between Rahke Road and Meridian Street, East Hill Valley Drive, and East Street from East Hill Valley Drive to Stop 11 Road. DPW Snow Plowing Information

If you believe a City or city contractor snow plow caused damage your mail box, lawn, etc., promptly go to the Mayor's Action Center for assistance.

As a service to owners who live within other parts of the Hill Valley Homeowners Association's area, the Association for several years has made arrangements with private snow removal firms for them to plow streets in Association areas that the City does not plow. These contractors generally plow if the snow depth exceeds 3". When snow is forecast the contractors have told us they need you to remove your vehicles from the street and park them in your driveway, especially in courts or cul-de-sacs, because leaving your vehicles in the street complicates and can even prevent plowing, and invites having plowed snow packed up against the street side of your vehicles. The HVHA spent $13,552.50 for the two snow removals in the winter of 2014/2015.

If you believe a Hill Valley Homeowners Association contracted snow plow caused damage your mail box, lawn, etc., let the Association know by sending a detailed e-mail to us at so we may help resolve your issue with the snow removal contractor.

If you would like to make a comment on the site, please contact the Webmaster. Send an e-mail to "celdridge11", add an "at" sign, add "comcast", then dot and last "net". Do not put spaces in between the parts. The intent is to prevent mining of the e-mail address (someone has to intervene to actually get the address).